Create directory in date like structure

edited September 2021 in Linux

I have so many files name like 8888_20210828-000547_9123456789_ABCDEFD_A1099-all.mp3 and wants to create a directory structure 2021/08/28/ABCDEFD/ which I extract from given path and move these files into created directories using shell script



  • sachin
    edited September 2021

    Create a shell script let's say with the following snippet

    function filemove() {
        FILE_NAME=$(basename "$1")
        if [[ "$FILE_NAME" =~ ^.+\_[0-9]{8}\-.+_.+_.+-.+\.mp3$ ]]; then
            FILE_DIR=$(echo $1 | awk -F'[_-]' '{print substr($2,1,4) "/" substr($2,5,2) "/" substr($2,7,9) "/" $5 "/";}');
            echo "$FILE_NAME : >> : $FILE_DIR"
            echo "---------------------------";
            echo -e "creating directory:: \e[1;32m $FILE_DIR\e[0m";
            mkdir -p "$FILE_DIR";
            echo -e "moving file:: \e[1;32m $FILE_NAME to $FILE_DIR\e[0m";
            mv -f "$FILE_NAME" "$FILE_DIR";
            echo -e "\e[1;31m ::---------------Invalid file name $FILE_NAME---------------:: \e[0m";
        echo ""
    export -f filemove
    find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.mp3" -exec bash -c "filemove \"{}\"" \;

    Now place this file inside the directory containing mp3 files
    and finally form the terminal execute the shell file

  • sachin
    edited September 2021
    function filemove() {
        FILE_NAME=$(basename "$1");
        # FILE_PATH=$(dirname "$1");
        echo -e "\e[1;32mFILE_NAME :: $FILE_NAME :: \e[0m";
        echo -e "\e[1;32mFILE_PATH :: $FILE_PATH :: \e[0m";
        if [[ "$FILE_NAME" =~ ^.+\_[0-9]{8}\-.+_.+_.+-.+\.mp3$ ]]; then
            FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[_-]' '{print substr($2,1,4) "-" substr($2,5,2) "-" substr($2,7,9);}');
            FILE_MONTH=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +%b);
            FILE_MONTH_FULL=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +%B);
            FILE_YEAR=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +%Y);
            FILE_YEAR_SHORT=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +%y);
            FILE_DAY=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +%d);
            FILE_DIR=$FILE_PATH$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[_-]' -v FILE_MONTH_FULL=$FILE_MONTH_FULL '{print substr($2,1,4) "/" FILE_MONTH_FULL "/" substr($2,7,9) "/" $(NF-2) "/";}');
            echo "$FILE_DATE : >> : $FILE_MONTH : >> : $FILE_MONTH_FULL : >> : $FILE_YEAR : >> : $FILE_YEAR_SHORT : >> : $FILE_DAY";
            echo "$FILE_MONTH_FULL : >> : $FILE_DATE : >> : $FILE_NAME : >> : $FILE_DIR";
            echo "---------------------------";
            echo -e "creating directory:: \e[1;32m $FILE_DIR\e[0m";
            mkdir -p "$FILE_DIR";
            echo -e "moving file:: \e[1;32m $1 to $FILE_DIR\e[0m";
            mv -f "$1" "$FILE_DIR";
            echo -e "\e[1;31m ::---------------Invalid file name $FILE_NAME---------------:: \e[0m";
        echo ""
    export -f filemove
    find /home/username/ -maxdepth 3 -type f -name "*.mp3" -exec bash -c "filemove \"{}\"" \;

    This will generate path /home/username/2021/September/24/ABCDEFD/

  • Bash date format options

    Below is a list of common date format options with examples output. It works with the Linux date command line and the mac/Unix date command line.

    Date Format Option Meaning Example Output
    date +%c locale’s date time Sat May 9 11:49:47 2020
    date +%x locale’s date 05/09/20
    date +%X locale’s time 11:49:47
    date +%A locale’s full weekday name Saturday
    date +%B locale’s full month name May
    date +%m-%d-%Y MM-DD-YYYY date format 05-09-2020
    date +%D MM/DD/YY date format 05/09/20
    date +%F YYYY-MM-DD date format 2020-05-09
    date +%T HH:MM:SS time format 11:44:15
    date +%u Day of Week 6
    date +%U Week of Year with Sunday as first day of week 18
    date +%V ISO Week of Year with Monday as first day of week 19
    date +%j Day of Year 130
    date +%Z Timezone PDT
    date +%m Month of year (MM) 05
    date +%d Day of Month (DD) 09
    date +%Y Year (YYYY) 2020
    date +%y Year (YY) 20
    date +%H Hour (HH) 11
    date +%H Hour (HH) in 24-hour clock format 11
    date +%I Hour in 12-hour clock format 11
    date +%p locale’s equivalent of AM or PM AM
    date +%P same as %p but in lower case am

    You can get the full list of supported date format specifiers using the man date or man gdate commands.

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