Use your Android Mobile Device as emulator in Android Studio over hotspot/Wifi

edited August 2022 in Android

Whenever you are testing your Android App on your actuall physical android mobile phone, you have to connect it with the data cable. Well, that a little annoying that you always required a usb cable and limits you from testing your app when you don’t have it.

Well you can avoid the cable tangled way do it the wireless way.

Follow these steps to enable wifi-debugging on your android​
1. First of all, enable USB debugging from Settings > Developer Options
2. Open up cmd/power shell on windows, terminal on Mac/linux and type adb devices (you can also use Android Studio's Terminal tab)
3. Run adb tcpip 5555 It will show “restarting in TCP mode port: 5555​
4. Now disconnect your phone and go to settings > about phone > status and see the IP address of your phone
5. Now run adb connect your_ip_address:5555 for eg: adb connect​

And you’re done.​

Note: The Wi-fi debugging automatically gets disabled on restart. So if you restart your phone, you will have to follow the steps above from the start.

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