ViciDial Setup over PJSIP - Webrtc

edited September 30 in asterisk

Pre-assuming you setup is already in PJSIP, if not follow the instructions:

Allow WSS transport protocol

Go into /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf and add/edit the following: 

type                            = transport
protocol                        = wss
bind                            =

Creating WebRTC template

Go to Admin -> Template and create a new template with following lines

aor/max_contacts = 10
endpoint/rtcp_mux = yes
endpoint/use_avpf = yes
endpoint/transport = transport-wss
endpoint/dtls_setup = actpass
endpoint/ice_support = yes
endpoint/dtls_verify = fingerprint
endpoint/media_encryption = dtls
endpoint/dtls_cert_file = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
endpoint/dtls_private_key = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
endpoint/media_use_received_transport = yes

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